What can you do with an iPhone's camera

That you can't do with a DSLR?

Well simply put that depends on what accessories you have. But for the sake of argument lets assume we are comparing a standard iPhone 4 with a basic DSLR kit consisting of two lenses.

What can you do with an iPhone.

Edit your images on the spot.
Share images with friends and family.
Geotag images.

What can you do with a basic DSLR.

Shoot in RAW (which takes more time to process)
Transfer to any computer with a cable.
Very basic editing.
Control depth of field.
Control Shutter.
Choose white balance

I'm sure the list goes on for both and with more and more accessories becoming available for the iPhone every month you can now even equip it with an SLR lens if you wish to do so.

The iPhone however has one distinct advantage. It goes back to the root of photography and it is available to most people just by upgrading their cellphone. No extra bulk or insurance costs.

Back to the root of what you may ask. Back to where people shot with cheap camera's on their holiday and got back with great photos and no need to photoshop them. With apps like instagram you can even get a little artistic or just recreate some of those old film camera looks.

Yes the iPhone should not be your first choice to take on safari or to photograph your kids soccer game. The entry level DSLR will also not be so great but it will probably be better as it most likely has a zoom lens.

If you got a DSLR with kit lenses maybe you should be wondering why you didn't buy a high end point and shoot…

Here is some images I would not have taken if I did not have an iPhone!

All Photos taken with the standard iPhone camera app - Processed with Snapseed

Why iPhonography?

The iPhone is fast becoming one of the most popular phones in the world and has been the most popular camera on Flickr for quite some time.

Today I want to share with you why I got rid of my camera when I got an iPhone 4.

First you have to understand that an iPhone will never be able to replace a DSLR or advanced point and shoot. That said it does take some excellent photos.

There are many accessories for iPhonography which can give you wide-angle, fisheye and even macro capabilities. The problem with these add-ons is that they usually require you to remove your case which is a deal breaker for me.

I ditched my Nikon D300 with lenses for my iPhone.

Why did I do this.

Always with me.
Doesn't require an extra charger
Doesn't require a bag.
No extra insurance costs
Does Video
Does editing
Does Online sharing
Does not require a PC
Multi purpose
Built in Geotagging

The list does go on quite a bit. Feel free to share your list in the comments.

The negatives are only a fraction of the positives. What really annoys me sometimes.

Inaccurate White balance
massive depth of field
limited dynamic range

Yes I know there are many other disadvantages but those are the only ones that really annoy me.

In the next post I will be sharing what the iPhone can and can't do in more detail.

Until then here is a photo I took on my iPhone.

Taken with the standard camera app and processed with 100 Cameras in 1.

New Beginnings

How many chances do we get in life to start new and fresh? Whether it is a new job, relationship or just an adventure. Although I have never been officially diagnosed with A.D.D. I am pretty sure I have it. Change is sometimes daunting and it isn't always good but falling into routine and making your life feel like a stagnant pool of water just waiting to fill with unwelcome diseases isn't how I want to spend my life. Almost every year I have been making changes in my life to help me feel alive. One of these changes happened in the beginning of 2011 after having a not so pleasant 2010. The changes were quite drastic and has changed my life so much that I almost don't recognise myself. These changes felt like I was going in the right direction although since then the final destination has changed a bit.

For years photography has fuelled my desire for seeing and experiencing new things. Sadly that has come to an end for the simple reason that I wanted more time to myself. Taking photos in todays digital age is quite easy and coming back after a weekend trip with over 2000 photos was not uncommon. Then sorting these images and finally starting with the editing process was really starting to get to me. Even though I had all these great photos of places I had never seen they all started to look and feel the same. I know this is what photographers call finding your "look". It just started to feel like I was stagnating.

Looking back through all my old photos I still love most of them and my "look" but the most important fact is that I never really enjoyed visiting these places as much. The reason for this was my obsession with finding the perfect photo instead of just enjoying the moment and joy of being there.

So after much thought and a sadness heart I decided to sell my D-SLR and all the accessories (I also needed the cash). My life felt empty for a while and I knew I could not completely stop this past time which brings me so much joy when done correctly.

I got an iPhone 4 and it was by far one of the best purchases in my life. The photos looked good and all my editing could be done on the phone with a few applications. The best part is that I never go anywhere without my phone and could always have it with me which is something I never did with my camera because of the extra bulk and crime.

Yes the quality and functionality is not even close to the Nikon D300 that I had but it allows me to continue doing what I love in a fraction of the time.

So why am I writing this long post after abandoning this blog for almost a year? Well that is quite simple. This blog is now changing into a place where I can share these photos I have been taking over the past few months. I will also be scouring the internet to find some other people who are taking great photos with their mobile phones or iPhones (I haven't really decided yet) and share them here to show everyone that you don't need a fancy camera to take pictures that can be beautiful and inspiring.

I hope you enjoy this journey and the new beginning of the-photo-blog.com